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Summer Set№3 — 2024

Napa Valley

The A&D Summer Set can alleviate even the most pernicious summertime blues. Corral the cronies, chart way to the nearest pool, kick out the jams and karate the “in case of emergency” glass with these vibrant, refreshing, prismatic wines that instantly set you on course to the heart of summer—escapism has never tasted this ecstatic. Dive into the invigorating flavors of Ashes & Diamonds’ 2023 vintage of the chillable, ruby-red Rosa, the perfume and pleasure of Rosé, followed by Chardonnay's golden, sun-kissed succulence. Bring A&D’s summer wines, get sunny smiles, with a set that will set you apart.

Technical Data
Our wines are made in very limited quantities.
A&D Members receive first offerings of each vintage.
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